📄️ Tenancy
Multi-tenancy support
📄️ Roles and Permissions
Managing roles and permissions.
📄️ Analytics
Add analytics to your application.
📄️ Public Pages
Public facing pages and assets
📄️ Billing and Payments
Easily add payment and subscriptions to your application.
📄️ Socialite
Configuring Socialite for Login and Registration.
📄️ Impersonating Users
Impersonating users for testing and support.
📄️ Theming
Customize the look and feel of your FilamentFlow panels.
📄️ Emails and Notifications
Send emails and notifications from your application.
📄️ Team Management
When tenancy is enabled, you can create teams and assign users to them. This allows you to manage permissions and access to resources based on teams.
📄️ Waitlist
The waitlist feature allows you to collect email addresses from users who are interested in your product or service before it is launched. This is a great way to gauge interest and build a list of potential customers before you launch.
📄️ Greeter
Welcome your users with the Greeter Module